Reggae North wishes everyone a happy new year and all the best for 2022.
The beginning of each new year is a time of reflection on the past year and contemplation of your next move for the future. It holds a special magic and promises new fulfilling and exciting opportunities. Reggae North could not have made it through the past year without the support from our readers. We are happy that you chose to help us build this platform to continue showcasing and bring awareness to the incredible array of talented artists, musicians, producers, and songwriters residing in Canada.
Reggae North has many plans and projects to unveil in 2022 because we are committed to continuing our journey of supporting and promoting our artists and reggae music to people in Canada and worldwide. We strongly believe in creating possibilities! If an opportunity has never knocked on your door, let us find a crack or a window and create a walkway. Together we can make a monumental change because we are more powerful when we work together.
Some artists are prepared and ready to start the new year with full speed and have shared some of their resolutions for 2022:
Osborne ‘Ifield’ Joseph– Musician, studio engineer, producer. “For 2022, I plan to make Rockstone Records more visible to the public by working with and producing artists locally and internationally, creating songs with positive and inspiring messages that are geared towards uplifting mankind in this changeling and unpredictable times”.
Vanda Li–Reggae Artist. “In 2022, I plan to continue curating & producing more live music events in various communities across the GTA, finding opportunities & new ways to showcase the talents of Black African Caribbean Canadian artists. I also have a goal to record & release at least two or more timeless R&B /soul reggae music covers and collaborations as an independent artist.
Ribba Dan–Dancehall Artist. “Making more music, doing more collabs and visuals. I would like to see the world get back to normal and everybody can go about doing what makes them happy. I would like to see the African and Caribbean leaders come together to get rid of corruption, stop the killings and build the nations”.
Steele–Reggae Artist. “More new music, taking more risk with unfamiliar music styles. Hoping the people of the world realize that this pandemic has affected everyone, doesn’t matter your color or background. Let’s try to come together to stop the injustices that affect so many”.
Blistas– Dancehall Artist. “In 2022, I’m releasing my first EP. I will be recording lots of new music and videos and touring as well. I have a few shows in Jamaica confirmed so far and now taking bookings worldwide”. “I hope that things get back to normal in 2022, less restrictions on traveling and small businesses and more opportunities for the youths to excel”.
Chop City Records–Record Label. “Lookout for new music and videos coming from Chop City Records in 2022. We will be working with a lot of young artists in Jamaica and Canada, giving young people who have a voice an opportunity to be heard”.
FyahNese—Dancehall Artist. “I want to wish everyone a great new year and all the best for 2022. I will continue to make good music for my fans, music that will feed the mind and soul like food. I will continue my trek to bring fun and laughter to help ease stress and pain. I hope this COVID-19 pandemic will end soon so that people can start to meet and greet each other again and express their love the natural way”.
2021 has been a trying year and most of us have faced some form of difficulties, such as illness, losing a friend or loved ones, isolation due to the pandemic and other uncertainties. We in the music community have experience loss companions, which has left a gaping hole in our hearts that can never be refilled. Sleep In Peace Micheal ‘Visionary’ Thompson, Father Ramsey, Jo Jo Bennett, Aunty Fay and Stephan ‘Dr Ring Ding’.