If you don’t want to tap your feet or move your waist – don’t listen to her music.
If you don’t want to hear sweet infectious vocals – tune her out.
If you’re not a fan of enlightening lyrics laced with contagious beats – well … we can’t help ya!
Ammoye’s music is all of the above and more.
For Ammoye, The Light, her last album, was her “awakening and personal intimate discovery & remembrance of her higher self – The Light within”.
Now with her next album, Water, set to be released this summer, we got the chance to speak with Ammoye about her upcoming album, her music, her career and reggae music in Canada.
She described her upcoming album Water as “a song- autobiography of my Spirituality and mental evolution”. She wants us to know it’s a work that captures her views of what she is feeling and experiencing within and also the expressions of what she sees the outer world portraying to her from her perspective and “innerstanding”. “My intent with Water (the album) is to bring awareness, inspire, uplift and motivate the listener in the most positive ways.”
This 5-time Juno Award Nominee has been around long enough to witness and be a part of the revolution and growth of reggae music in Canada. And when asked to compare the reggae/dancehall music industry back when she first started, to now, she lauds the fact that there are many more females on the scene now than then. “The balance is levelling out”. She’s also grateful for how much more popular Reggae is getting across the world, and that she was there to witness in 2019 a great accomplishment for Canadian Reggae when Mayor John Tory declared March 2nd as the official Titans of Reggae Day. Ammoye claims, “Reggae music is the future. I strongly believe that. This movement & momentum can’t be stopped.”
In an industry where Artists and audience tend to compare the works of and each Performer, Ammoye refuses to be drawn into the sometimes negative conversation insisting that every artist “brings to the table something unique & different. We all do. What we carry…the unique attributes gifts & talents should be celebrated. I have never compared myself to anybody, instead I choose to learn, observe & get inspired by the ones I resonate with.” “I don’t ever wanna compete or compare. I wanna collaborate and keep reggae rocking.”
Now rooted in Canada, and a proclaimed proud Canadian/Jamaican, Ammoye has benefited from the support of entities such as Factor Canada, Toronto Arts Council and, the Ontario Arts Council just to name a few. Especially as an independent artist such support is tremendous. “I am thankful and grateful to be a Canadian artist. Being here has given me the opportunities to grow and develop at my own pace, and it’s afforded me relationships that would probably be much harder to acquire if I were living in other countries.”
But even then, with that kind of support, how does an Artist cope in a COVID-19 environment? In a world where everyone is supposed to “tan ah yu yaad”? How has it affected her art? “Spiritually”, is her simple reply. But she also explains it by saying, “I’ve gained more time with Spirit, more quality time to spend with myself… It took away the distractions and the noise. … A lot of healing & clearing happened and is still happening for me. I also got to spend a lot more time with my family and my love.” It’s also afforded her a lot more moments in her beloved nature. And “the freedom and time to see a lot more clearer the gift that we as humanity have been given by this reset on a conscious level.” By the way, she gives the Pandemic credit for the opportunity to create and manifest her new album Water.
So what’s next for Ammoye, COVID-19 or not?
“More adventure!”
“More expansion!”
“More awareness – higher consciousness awareness!”
“More learning!”
“More growth!”
“Water will be flowing around the world (pun intended, I’m sure) helping to heal through music.”
We’ll be here Ammoye. Waiting. And listening.
Follow Ammoye and her music on Instagram@ Ammoyesmusic
Facebook@ Ammoyesmusic
Youtube@ Ammoyesmusic
Twitter@ Ammoyesmusic
Kathy L. Gayle is a-
*TV & Radio Production Specialist
*Associate, Open Door Communications
*Producer – “Family Time”, “The Morning Watch” & “The Rock” on LOVE 101 FM in Jamaica
* Producer “Let’s Talk Family” on KLAS FM in Jamaica