When Mister Vigorous decided on a comeback to the music business last year, he shed that stage name which was given to him by singer Leroy Smart and became P’damore. It seemed the right thing to do, since there was another Mister Vigorous on the market.
Released in December, ‘Fish Out of Water’ is the Toronto-based deejay’s first song with his new moniker. It is the follow-up to ‘Moma mi Find the Right Person’, which he also co-produced with Dilla Oneil.
‘Fish Out of Water’ is about a man in despair after his lover leaves him. “Is a true story, about one of my friends an’ wi jus’ decide to do a song about it ‘cause many men can relate to dat situation,” said P’damore, who settled in Canada six years ago, after “going an’ coming” for several years from Jamaica.
He returned to music after a 15-year break. According to P’damore, he turned his back on the business for “personal reasons” but kept current through regular visits to recording studios.
From rural Trelawny parish in western Jamaica, P’damore launched his career in his late teens. His first single was ‘False Money Gal’, produced by singer Phillip Fraser, a stalwart of the roots-reggae dancehall scene in Kingston.
P’damore finds the laid-back Toronto reggae scene to his liking and plans to increase his recording output in 2024. His next songs, ‘Dream of You’ and ‘What Time is It’, are expected to be released in January.